
Responses from abstract7

Looking at a new sub for ML
I own a pair of Martin Logan monoliths and had the same problem. I'm integrating a sub for movies only, but most of my testing was using the processor in stereo mode with the sub with music to see if it could seamlessly integrate with the logans. ... 
Is Request now defunct?
The previous post is correct. Martin Logan is re-vamping the entire line. Monoliths-->Prodigy, Request-->Odyssey, SL3-->Ascent. If you don't get a deal from a dealer--which you should--watch Audiogon, there will be used requests coming up... 
Recommended Sub Woofer Cable??
I don't know what your budget is, or the length of run, but Bettercables makes a specific subwoofer cable. I have not heard this cable, but I have used their video and digital cables. I think they are a bargain, excellent quality at very realistic... 
How would you start with 5K?
I agree with Fpeel. In fact, in getting to the system I currently have this is exactly the route I took. At one point it was pretty comical because I had speakers that were about 4 times the size of the television. (Music reproduction was at least... 
Bi-amping advice for M/L Aerius
Unless you are using an active cross-over with gain control, stay with the same amp. Otherwise, you will have all sorts of matching difficulties. You can put each B&K very close to each speaker (one amp per speaker) and run very short cables. ... 
Electronics in Dusty Environments
You can get a can of air at Radioshack and clean up the interior of any dusty receivers and try them again. However, Mikec is probably right. While dust isn't helping, the power may be the biggest problem. Another option would be a Tripplite surge... 
PC Spectrum Analyser?
Great question. I asked this some time ago and was refered to the "audio toolbox", which was about $1000. More than I wanted to spend. But to answer your question there are inexpensive spectrum analyzers. HP works FFT spectrum analyzer at: http://... 
5.1 Rear Speaker Placement Opinions?
90/10 music to movies in 5.1? If that is the case then you need to have rears behind you. If it's 90% music in 2 channel--then of course it really doesn't matter where the rear speakers are placed. I've experminted with this a bit and prefer them ... 
Tuning speaker / room response?
I'm also impressed with the graph. I don't have a web server at my disposal--so I doubt I'll try this at home. As to the problem. A couple of things, the meter should be on slow response. I've done it both ways, it doesn't seem to make much of a d... 
20 Amp Lines w/separate ground
I checked Albert's suggestion--there is some very good information there, but those posts are a little dated (not that the information is less relavent--but new posts will get some additional information). About 2 years ago I added a dedicated 220... 
Wanted...Recommendations on Mapleshade
I have a large collection of Mapleshade. I had some local friends ask me the same question, after we had a listening session at a friends. I put together an excel spreadsheet that rated them. I like the Mapleshade CDs very much. I think Absolute S... 
Need Speaker Recommendation 1600
A friend bought a pair of Diva's 5.1. I was very impressed. Your budget would afford the 6.1, which I have not heard, but bassed on the 5.1, I think they would be hard to beat for the money. You can try these risk free (except for shipping expense... 
High-Bit CD s JVC XRCD worth if...
I'm looking forward to the results as well. Gee, ask a question and become the one who has to answer it. I've been considering an upsampler, so this would be very interesting. It would also be curious to know the jitter on compared CDs. That's pre... 
New Music vs. New Equipment
This question pretty interesting. It made me check what my actual expenses of equipment vs software is. I expected to be about 50/50 or slightly infavor of software over equipment. Fact is, it's not, I've spent nearly 2/3 in equipment. I've been b... 
Levinson DAC s
I own a 36 and have auditioned and will probably (almost definitely) buy a Sony 9000. However, I will not use the Sony as a CD transport or CD player. For that the Levinson 36 and 37 will be used. I will caution you that the 36 is very sensitive t...