
Responses from abramsmatch

Anyone send back Magnepan MMG's?
Michael-- listen to me. I want you to do something with the positioning of the MMGs-- it is very important they are listened to on the vertical axis (standing straight up and down). Look at ALL the higher up Maggies starting from the 1.6 on up. No... 
Which speaker is best with Naim
I used to bleed olive and be in the Naim cult. Loved the stuff. My faves after having owned the Mystiques and Petites (latest versions) were-- the Critiques. I loved that little standmount something fierce and i was a moron to have sold them. I st... 
Just took delivery of the Red Wine Audio 30.2 and-
FWIW, based on some of the private emails I've received along with what I've read on-line, I conclude that I may not have been trumpeting the virtues of the original Sig 30 quite so loudly. The 30.2 seems by all acounts a much more refined and ju... 
Just took delivery of the Red Wine Audio 30.2 and-
In response to Plinko's inquiry-- the battery power does not make the RWA totally silent-- but there isnt a lot of hss and hum at the speaker as compared for example with the Stingray-- whch has the typical ransformer hum of a tube amp. The Stingr... 
Just took delivery of the Red Wine Audio 30.2 and-
Okay-- I'll come clean-- limited time at work though-- so this is briefer than I want it to be for now! I love the manley and the RWA-- but the Manley is slightly more forward with slightly less soundstage depth. Essentially it is a matter of pers... 
Just took delivery of the Red Wine Audio 30.2 and-
The Manley Stingray hath arrived.Let the games........ begin. 
Just took delivery of the Red Wine Audio 30.2 and-
Were they talking about the Red Wine Audio 30.2 you mean? It aint exactly struggling in that department! Never heard the first version though. I would call the Shindo gear slightly pacier though at this point. As for 'better'-- well, I'm witholdin... 
Just took delivery of the Red Wine Audio 30.2 and-
Well-- I may not be able to comment on the full capability of the shindo gear as I am not bi-wiring the LV's with the Auditorium 23 speaker cables or using a Shindo interconnect, both of which are apparently highly recommended (almost mandated in ... 
Just took delivery of the Red Wine Audio 30.2 and-
The 30.3? Wow that will render the 30.2 obsolete-- I mean like it wont even WORK anymore when the new one comes out! Isnt that how it goes?Judging from the limited responses... Guess there's not a heck of a lot of knowledge about Red Wine Audio pr... 
Just took delivery of the Red Wine Audio 30.2 and-
If you mean does it ROCK BABEEEE...well we listened to some John Mayer Continuum and Michael (or is it Elliot) Yamin at high volume at my girlfriend's request (I'm more of a fat guys-wearing-helmets-and-screaming-about-love-and-death guy myself)..... 
Best wood for making an isolation platform?
After a long talk with several HiFi stand companies a year or so ago, several stand makers, including the head honcho at Particular told me that no matter what wood you use, it usually warms up the sound slightly and that's why people like it. Som... 
Most achingly-beautiful music
Sorry -- forgot to say it's the second movement of the Emperor-- piano concerto no. 5!! 
Most achingly-beautiful music
This is Beethoven at his peak. What a stroke of genius! The achingly beautiful spun-from-gold melody.... the dynamic build... the majesty and nobility... the first piano notes falling like a light misty rain over the orchestra. For me-- the single... 
Unison Research Hybrid Integrated Amp: How Good?
Each time someone asks about these wonderful integrateds I feel I must post. I just loved my Unico-- I had it for several years and changed to separates when I started reviewing audio gear. I never liked my separates as much as the Unico I used to...