
Responses from abramsmatch

Best amps for Totem hawks?? please help
I drove my totem arros to perfection with my unison UNICO integrated. I will just bet its eighty watts or the one forty of its younger bigger brother, the UNICO SE, would be amazing with hawks. Slightly less quick than the naim gear I used to own ... 
Totem The One or Dynaudio Contour S1.4
I am a HUGE fan of the Totem ones- midrange presence second to none- and The Ones would probably float my boat big time.Totems are certainly not tipped up in the highs-- if anything a touch smooth ('backed up' if you can call it that- by most revi... 
Rowland preamps??????
Fwiw-- I am the guy listing the LS-5 for nearly 2300 dollars. That's because about a year ago I paid about 2450.00 for it! That's what they go for-- or at least did. I figure 2250 then aint half bad as i have seen them for 2300 and 2400 in the pas... 
Totem Owners....
Allow me to chime in as a long-time totem lover. My personal fave is the Model One- always has been. Fantastic mids and incredible coherence not to mention doing all the audiophile tricks we love (sitting up and begging etc.). I have also owned ar... 
Speakers for a smaller room/moving issues...
Guys-- I chose a condo and it is essentially one huge room with a cathedral ceiling and one bedroom. I'm thinking..... (drum roll). Quads!!! Always loved 63's and now I'll have the space (finally) to get em out from the front wall 5 feet or so. A... 
Speakers for a smaller room/moving issues...
Actually-- I'll be renting on Long Island, as that's where work is taking me. Soooooo.... I wont have to deal with a 4th floor walk-up or what-have-you, nor are there many 'pre-war' buildings. Most I have seen are newish (10-20 years old) and knoc... 
Speakers for a smaller room/moving issues...
Nrenter-- I am not really asking about speakers I guess. I have been at this hobby for over 20 years and have pretty much owned everything from quads to totems to proacs to reynauds to maggies to dynaudios to B&Ws to Living voices to Alons to ... 
Speakers for a smaller room/moving issues...
I appreciate your replies so far. Good speaker recs plus--I feel somewhat less neurotic thanks to James. Normalization of my feelings-- a classic Dr. Phil move. James, the Wilson audio speakers are out of my price range (heard great things though... 
Speakers for a smaller room/moving issues...
Used to own a pair of Tukans-- great speaker-- fast and involving. Nice upfront presentation. As far as LS3/5 family goes-- if they were decent at lowish levels-- I might be so inclined. However, the inefficiency of say, a Harbeth HLP3 ES might n... 
No bass in the Proac Response 3
I didnt read all these posts so if someone said this already-- sorry-- but when you refoamed-- you had to take the woofer out of the box, right? Did you maybe re-wire out of phase (easy to check) or not tighten the screws down enough to seal the ... 
Meridian 568 v ARC Tube preamp for digital scource
The ARC LS 17 is a very good pre but do be aware-- it does NOT sound tubey. I owned and sold one because I wanted just a touch more sugar in the sound. The LS 17 and likely by extension the 6H30 tubed LS 26, will be fairly exacting in their presen... 
Planar close to a rear wall? Quad for example?
I had to sell the Quad 63's I purchased from QS and D several weeks after I bought them as I couldnt pull them out more than 3.5 feet or so from the front wall. Thought this would be enough before I bought them-- I had heard 3-6 feet was "ideal."... 
matching the Arros
I will ccertainly confirm your suspicions that a Unico integrated is terrific with the Arros-- the arro is slightly tipped up in the treble and the Unico slightly tipped down with an excellent midrange (both, for that matter!).With a good front-en... 
Just took delivery of the Red Wine Audio 30.2 and-
I just want to add that I have gotten slightly more preferable results tonally with my RWA since my original posting by using it with Stereovox and DH Labs Air Matrix IC's. The amp seems to sound a touch warm with my reference JPS SC 3's-- which u... 
Totem Forest or Acoustic Zen Adagio
No opinion on the Forest or the Adagio as i havent heard them.BIG opinion on the Model One-- stunning and one of my all-time favorite 'things' in life-- let alone 'speakers.'Just curious (and off topic I know)but have you guys who think the forest...