
Responses from ablang

Proac 1SC vs Dynaudio Focus 140
The NAD is plenty of amp for the Dynaudios, and I'd imagine for the ProAcs as well. I owned the Focus 140 with the NAD C325BEE, and the amp wasn't a problem--the Focus 140 is relatively easy to drive. I own the C372 now, and it's considerably bett... 
1K used monitor with wide/uniform dispersion
Br3098,Thanks for your response--and I know my room does need some treatment, as it has wood floors, plaster walls, and a couple of very big windows behind my listening seat. I have bookshelves behind the speakers to provide some diffraction (and ... 
1K used monitor with wide/uniform dispersion
Well you know what they say about insanity being doing the same thing twice and expecting different results? It looks like I may have done just that. After all this discussion and a lot of great ideas I bought a pair of Spendor S3/5, thinking they... 
NAD Integrated Comparison
I've owned the 302, C320BEE, C325BEE, and now the C372. The 300-series are great amps at the price, warm and lovely to listen to. But the C372 is a huge leap up in transparency, and of course with more power it can drive more difficult loads. My u... 
Monitors For Near Field Low Volume Listening
I just stepped down from the Vandersteen 2CE Sig II to a pair of Spendor S3/5 for very similar reasons--I moved to a smaller space where the Vandies wouldn't work. In the near-field (5 foot equilateral triangle) and at low volumes (60-75 dB) I cou... 
Too much power for Spendor S3/5?
Thanks for the reassurances--now I'm going to go crank 'em up. 
1K used monitor with wide/uniform dispersion
Timrhu, thanks for the Totem/Revel comparison--very useful for me. You mentioned above that you owned Vandersteens, too. Since those are my current speakers, can you compare the Revel to the Vandy sound? Loomisjohnson, thanks for the input on the ... 
1K used monitor with wide/uniform dispersion
Thanks for all the help so far. My short list is down to the Revel M22, KEF XQ20, and Spendor S3/5 (I know the Spendor's short on dynamics and bass, but it's seductive all the same...) The B&Ws and Revel M20s don't meet the WAF, which is no re... 
1K used monitor with wide/uniform dispersion
Zenblaster, do you think my 150 watt NAD would be underpowered for the Totems? I know when I briefly ran the Model 1s with a 50 watt C325BEE, they had no bottom-end at all--but my Vandersteens were light on the bottom with that amp, too, and the C... 
1K used monitor with wide/uniform dispersion
The Revel M20 looks like a great option--does anyone know how the newer M22 compares? What's been improved about it? Thanks again! 
1K used monitor with wide/uniform dispersion
Thanks for the suggestions so far. The Von Schweikerts weren't on my radar at all, though I had thought of the Spendors in the new 3/5R version. I owned the 3/5 briefly and with the same weak amp and shrill source I had for the Totems, and I think... 
Good Monitors for no more than 150?
KEF's Q-series. I still miss my old Q15s. Midrange and soundstaging magic. 
Budget floorstanders under $500 ?
I do think the step sideways could be gaining some bass (that might not be all that well defined or might create room-interaction problems) while giving up some mid/high frequency refinement. For the music you listen to, I'd think a less musical m... 
Budget floorstanders under $500 ?
With the size of your room, why not go with a larger--and more refined--monitor? At the price range you're looking in, you could get a lot more for your money (especially buying used, and assuming you already have stands). Check out speakers from ... 
matching speaker to room size?
I should add that I've heard Totem's The One, and it outclasses the original Model One by a large margin. When I heard it, I thought the Sonus Faber floorstanders next to it were playing. The Totems were powered by a Cayin 100 watt tube integrated.