

Responses from 9rw

does anyone sharpie thier CD's???
Probably not, but they may help your fingers hit the correct keys when you type. 
does anyone sharpie thier CD's???
Regardless, this is nothing new. This notion has kicked around for more than a decade. Try it or don't. It's not worth arguing about. 
does anyone sharpie thier CD's???
I don't think it's merely a matter of volume. Anyway, some things cannot be measured. If you have two properly tuned pianos, one a Steinway and the other a cheap upright, and play a middle C, they will register the same on an oscilloscope. Do they... 
does anyone sharpie thier CD's???
Shadorne: Looking at your system, which looks like one designed for high impact and slam instead of finesse/resolution/accuracy, I'd say that indeed you wouldn't hear a difference. Still, you might want to try this for yourself before you pass jud... 
Any previous Wadia users?? Or did everyone move?
Translation, anyone? 
Subwoofer tweaks
Stehno: Please explain how you measure time smear in cables. Do you have a white paper that you can share? I'm sure a lot of Audiogon members would be very interested in learning more about this. Thanks! 
What CD Player can top this
Leahy: You're an absolute riot! So what's it like going through life deaf? 
Any previous Wadia users?? Or did everyone move?
Maxx1973: What information are you using to draw that (flawed) conclusion? Besides, high-end audio isn't a popularity contest. Wadia makes some fine products and offers outstanding customer support. And Steve at Great Northern Sound offers excelle... 
Unhappy with tubes so which transistor amp?
If a tube took out a resistor, that's not the amp's fault. Stuff like that happens. Also, ARC will take care of you, assuming you bought the amp from an authorized dealer.You'll be hard-pressed to find a better-sounding amp for anywhere near the p... 
Not Another NuForce thread......
Aponter4: Well, you're the one who broke the news about the Ref 10. I'll defer to you, but we can only imagine what kind of improvements the v2 will offer. Dynamics to die for, silky highs, rock-solid bass and a tube-like midrange. It will make al... 
Not Another NuForce thread......
Aponter4: I believe! And in 6/08 the Ref 10v2 will be yet another order of magnitude better! 
Not Another NuForce thread......
Audiooracle: Thank you very much for the response. I notice that you carry Acoustic Zen cables. Do they really introduce time smear, as part-time dealer Stehno claims? 
Not Another NuForce thread......
Drubin: You might be right. It sure looks likely. I notice the Audiodoctor doesn't say who he is -- or introduce members of his team. It could be because there is no team. It could be because it's just plain old Mr. Audiooracle talking about "we" ... 
Not Another NuForce thread......
Stehno: I'll answer your questions when you start answering mine. This is straight and simple: You're a dealer with a vested interest.I told you that I use Audio Magic line conditioning and a dedicated 20-amp outlet. Also, please show me the white... 
Not Another NuForce thread......
Stehno: OK. Enlighten me. After buying an amp -- like the original version -- and having all of the upgrades done, how much would a person have spent? Oh, and please include all of the shipping costs.By the way, is the NuForce line still 50 or 60 ...