

Responses from 9rw

Not Another NuForce thread......
Ggil: I may do that audition some day, but unless the NuForce is better than the Pass X350, I'll keep my ARC. Also -- and I'm sure you're aware of this -- the VT100MII and MKIII don't sound all that much alike. I've owned all three versions. Regar... 
Not Another NuForce thread......
Stehno: You're still a NuForce dealer, aren't you? I'd imagine that your Legacy speakers are less fatiguing in the high end than those Aerial 10Ts that you used to consider a reference. I'd say they're a whole lot more coherent, too. But perhaps t... 
Not Another NuForce thread......
Jb8312: Not so fast. Next month there will be an 9 SE V3 version that will surpass the previous version in every category. And in September there will be the 9 SE V4, which will make all other NuForce amps obsolete. Gimme a break already. Oh, and ... 
What is my weakest link?
Of course Shadorne and Gregm are right. Magneplanars are among the worst measuring speakers on the planet and they boast limited dynamics. They're also very difficult to place. It just takes some Maggie fans taken in by the "wall of sound" a long ... 
Insanely Expensive....and Worth Every Penny
Gawdbless: Please do not encourage Mrtennis. He's likely to respond with something like this:What precisely do you mean by entertaining? Entertainment is entirely subjective. There are no absolutes. To some, comments from a moron might be entertai... 
Insanely Expensive....and Worth Every Penny
S7horton: Mrtennis always misses the point.. That's part of his charm. 
Insanely Expensive....and Worth Every Penny
Heaven help us! Mrtennis returns with his psuedo-intellectual babble that adds absolutely nothing to this thread. I thought he had gone away or been rehabilitated by now. Obviously that's not the case. 
Dealers that don't e-mail or call
Besides, it's just the right thing to do. 
Anyone seen their favorite High End store close?
Dapom: That's a real shame. It looks like Atlanta is the closest place to listen to high-end equipment. There sure isn't anything in Knoxville, Tenn. 
XLO responsiveness
Sonic: No doubt about that. They shouldn't bother posting an e-mail address and say someone will respond within 48 hours. I'm all about accountability and credibility. XLO should be, too. 
XLO responsiveness
Three or four weeks later -- still no response to two e-mails. Way to go, XLO! 
Former Merlin Owners
I owned a pair of VSM-SE's and used them with a REL Stadium II, which integrated perfectly. Ultimately, though, they failed to satisfy because they were nowhere near as coherent and natural sounding as the Dunlavy SC-IV/A's that replaced them. I l... 
XLO responsiveness
Chris: You're right. But there's another option. I can choose to buy a product from Cardas, Acoustic Zen, Audio Magic or any one of the numerous high-end makers of great products who value their customers (and potential customers) and respond to p... 
What is the order of rel subs?
I've owned a Stadium II, a Stadium III and a B1. I sold the B1 and went back to a Stadium III. I think REL, now owned by Sumiko, has gone the home theater route. That may be fine for some people, but I'm a two-channel purist.As noted here and else... 
XLO responsiveness
Chris: That may be, but they shouldn't bother with an e-mail address -- or post that someone will respond within 24 to 48 hours. Maybe they meant to write 24 to 48 days.