Responses from 4425

What ever happened to Krell ?
I think Dave b is all over it. As I remember it when Dan was there much Krell bashing was to be suffered. Same as Wilson etc. The products I have are very good. At the discounting occurring on audiogon someone could do themselves a big favor and p... 
What ever happened to Krell ?
I think the new cosmetics hurt them big time. I actually own a Foundation and Chorus 5200 and they are great high end HT products. Unfortunately Krell has too many big time discounting dealers which is killing the value of the products. In all fai... 
Resale value of new speakers
Wilson Yvette. You'll want to keep them though 
Please Help Me Choose a Speaker Cable
Just a thought. The entry level Transparent cables are said to be very musical. That was my experience a few years back. They were inexpensive and punched well beyond their price. Just an idea. Think it was called Musicwave. I know the absolute so... 
Up to $4500 burning a hole in my pocket
Revel F208. Owe it to yourself. 
old revels vs new revels
Also the F206's are a great speaker at a very reasonable price($3500) that simply look great due to superb walnut finish and slim profile. A must to hear in this price range. 
old revels vs new revels
IMO the Salon 2's are the gold standard of the 20k speaker range. No doubt there are strong competitors that will be different but can't imagine better. Just my opinion.  
old revels vs new revels
IMO the Salon 2's are the gold standard of the 20k speaker range. No doubt there are strong competitors that will be different but can't imagine better. Just my opinion.  
Wilson Sasha 2 or Alexia for small room 10' x 17'?
Interesting that the new Wilson Yvette hasn't been mentioned in this thread. Supposed to incorporate all of Wilson's current thinking on speaker design taken from all research gained up until production time. The recent audio shows suggest an awes... 
Speaker companies with a focus on parts quality and measurements
I second Revel. Best value w best quality. Kevin V is a great designer with superb resources.  
Pass Labs XP-30 vs Krell Evo 202
I would take a hard listen to the Krell Phantom two box preamp. There's one on audiogon listed that looks like it could be had for half off. I actually don't see how you could audition one since out of production now. A very special piece of gear.... 
Transparent Refererce 75 ohm digital cable
very sorry as i misspelled reference 
Krell Foundation
Mine works great and sounds outstanding paired to a Krell Chorus 5200 amp.  
VTL TL7.5 series lll VS VAC Master Line Stage VS AR Ref 6 VS Nagra Classic Preamp
no sir  
VTL TL7.5 series lll VS VAC Master Line Stage VS AR Ref 6 VS Nagra Classic Preamp
jafant my system that I'm very fortunate to have is a Naim server to Bricasti dac, Krell Phantom pre, Momentum s250, Salon 2's, latest Audience Ar6 and Frey2 cables. Power cords are a wild mix of non Nordost.