Responses from 4425

Best value in pre-owned preamps right now?
Forgive me for saying under 5k twice. stupid head! 
Best value in pre-owned preamps right now?
agree w mapman. two under 5k Krell preamps listed now for under 5k. The road would stop w the Phantom that is listed but it's listed for 10k.  
Bricasti M1 USB
I would think that the cost to gain incremental sonic improvements over the M1 would come at a dear price but just my opinion as I've not heard dacs priced beyond the M1. It's a great audio piece that never has me thinking about going to something... 
Nordost Frey 2 power cord on Agostino Monentum stereo amp
in my case one Valhalla has added a little more high frequency zing you might say which I needed.  
Nordost Frey 2 power cord on Agostino Monentum stereo amp
Actually now comparing Valhalla V1 vs Frey 2 power cords on my dac. The Valhalla meaningfully brighter which is what my system/dac needed. Just one seems to do it. Great cables both. Can't imagine anyone describing Frey 2 as lean or bright. I'm ge... 
Amp ac cable connection
I agree with ebm that the Audience unit he has(so do I) isn't limiting anything on my Agostino amp. Just sounds fantastic. I'll leave the science to others.  
Any Rotel love around here? Looking to power my Sonus Faber Olympica 3
Don't mean to offend. I just never would have thought of mating Rotel with your fine speakers. Whether right or wrong I've always considered Rotel a good mid level company like others here. I won't inject myself into something that's none of my bu... 
Any Rotel love around here? Looking to power my Sonus Faber Olympica 3
Given the cost and quality of the speakers still think the Krell Digital Vanguard or std Vanguard should be checked out. Something out of whack here but none of my business.  
Any Rotel love around here? Looking to power my Sonus Faber Olympica 3
I think it would be a mistake to not at least check out Krell Digital Vanguard. I think it has the features you want and based on a Krell Chorus amp I have in a second system it's not the brighter Krell of years past. Very musical. Also have a Kre... 
Any Rotel love around here? Looking to power my Sonus Faber Olympica 3
Left out the Levinson 585. Another excellent integrated that fits the quality of your speakers. Heck ARC and CJ make integrateds. Just can't imagine Rotel with the SF you've bought.  
Any Rotel love around here? Looking to power my Sonus Faber Olympica 3
newer Krell actually sounds great. some people don't like looks which is fine. A few older models w more classic design out there too. need to audition if possible. I don't think Rotel will be in Krell's or JRDG's league. IMO. Beyond budget but a ... 
Any Rotel love around here? Looking to power my Sonus Faber Olympica 3
My humble opinion is that a speaker of that quality deserves a shot at a JRDG integrated or a Krell etc. just bias but can't see Rotel w SF. Levinson makes a nice integrated too. I'm assuming that given the cost of the speakers you'll want all of ... 
What SS preamp compares to a tube preamp
over the budget but I've owned a lot(too much) high end gear over many years and can't fathom a smoother more detailed preamp than the Krell Phantom, a two box unit. I think the 222 is the single box version. Truly musical. Actually got tipped off... 
power conditioner
Audience. Would hate to be without it. Have never heard a complaint. Great company as well. Call and discuss merits if you want their viewpoint.  
Now it's subs
B&W DB1. You'll never listen without one after trying it out; and I mean in an excellent high end two channel system. Has auto room eq and is tight. Exudes quality as well. FWIW