Responses from 4425

Should I Upgrade My Krells
Darn I didn't address the OP's question. Based on his comments there is zero reason to sell the Krell gear. Some cable experimenting might be just the ticket. IMHO.  
Integrated Amplifier for the PSB Synchrony One B (bookshelf)
Krell Vanguard  
Should I Upgrade My Krells
One thing I know is that current Krell gear is in no way harsh. You may not like the styling vs older Krell but the current stuff sounds great. I’m not sure of Krell’s future though. I truly believe they seriously hurt themselves with the aestheti... 
Has anyone heard new Less Loss C- Mark power cable?
Time will tell but if you already have great cables its a non starter.  
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Haven’t really followed this massive thread but I can’t imagine not liking the Bricasti if that’s the case. Simply can’t imagine. It's a buy and forget piece and used direct it's breathtaking.  
B&W Speaker Score!
You hear what you hear. No way around it. Someone else may love them. Smart to not change system for speakers. My humble opinion is that great musical speakers show their merits even when not perfectly set up. If you have to tweek a bunch and try ... 
Best integrated from this list...
A. used current Krell integrated. The sound is superlative.B. Naim doesn't have an integrated that fits your bill? 
Has anyone heard new Less Loss C- Mark power cable?
Thinking I might 
Has anyone heard new Less Loss C- Mark power cable?
At least has the looks 
Amplifier Upgrade Decision
Your budget is so close to a listed Agostino momentum amp. One to buy and enjoy for years to come. You can also update much later to S250 or whatever is current at the time. A handmade beauty to keep for years. At under 15k it's a very good deal. ... 
Any comments on DAC going direct to power amplifier or to pre-ampliifer?
I've been fortunate to know two 'direct to amp' situations well.No 1 is using a Bricasti M1se direct into a very fine amp was superior to inserting an excellent 16k preamp in terms of clarity and dimensionality. No comparison imho. The veiling usi... 
Non-transferable warranties?
Non transferable warranty somewhat encourages purchase of new gear especially from companies that have some history of needing service on occasion. CJ comes to mind from prior experience. Would never buy a used one(or new) after two horrible exper... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
I haven't followed this very long thread but if Bricasti isn't a leading contender for a red book dac some bad advice is being offerred here. As a bonus if desired it will sound better direct into your amp than using any preamp. I'm blessed to hav... 
Sonus Faber vs Focal and maybe even Dynaudio or PSB
Again my opinion fwiw is to find a good ss amp that works well with the B&W' s . Enjoy for a while then upgrade speakers when you have the funds. Definitely buy used if you can. A good neutral amp will sound good on any speaker assuming enough... 
Sonus Faber vs Focal and maybe even Dynaudio or PSB
just me but i'd opt for a better amp first as the speakers you have are probably quite good.what does your dealer have to demo in amps?