Responses from 4425

AQ Hurricane placement
Actually I never was able to use it due to space limitations behind my rack.Its a very impressive cable out of the box. I have zero doubt that it would be awesome on an amp or power conditioner.Great designer. 
Nordost Odin or Valhalla 2
i’m w jbomber. inputs to build and mkt the mercedes aren’t comparable in any way to the high end cable business. i love high end cables but realize the pricing is a farce. it simply has to be purchased used to get some of the fluff out. im confide... 
Audio Research Ref 3 VS Mark Levinson 38s
quick point. the 326s is light years beyond the 38s in sound quality. imo. i had both 
Audio Research Ref 3 VS Mark Levinson 38s
i agree w 41 to a degree. however good is good and a neutral product such as the 326s fits anyone. demoing different products is virtually impossible for many of us. 
Audio Research Ref 3 VS Mark Levinson 38s
smooth and refined sound with excellent detail wo any etch. tight punchy bass. beautiful build and ergonomics second to none. reliable. infinitely better looking and not an empty box like the ref 3. finally the 326s will easily drive a subwoofer p... 
Where do I start-amp or speakers ?
If it were me(it’s not) I would take a hard listen to Revel F206’s and Krell’s current integrated amps. Both products are extremely high value with great sound and super build quality. Finally they can be purchased at good prices new or used. FWIW 
Audio Research Ref 3 VS Mark Levinson 38s
i’d consisider the ml 326s . imo it is much superior to the two units in question and can be purchased used for a good price. i had both back to back and thought the 326s much superior.,just an opinion though.  
the eternal cable question
I’m late to the thread now but i’ve been on the cable merry go round for ages and have absolutely no doubt as to what i’d do. locate used AQ Niagara interconnects then wait until I could afford a set of AQ Castle Rock speaker cables. The Niagara u... 
Preamp & Subwoofer impedance mismatch?
FWIW I believe that I heard that JL has new subs with higher input impedance to address this issue. I almost bought a Ref 6 before discovering that it’s a poor match with my 10k sub. Turned out to be fortuitous as I discovered an unbelievable soli... 
Best used or new DAC under $3500
You owe it to yourself to look into the Mytek Manhattan series one used(around 3k). Feature set, build quality and sound are competitive with units much more expensive. It would not be out of place in a very high end system. I don’t own one but ha... 
Still looking for speakers in the 10-20,000 range
My guess is that that you haven’t heard the Revel Salon 2 which can be had for 12k used. Universally praised. Also a new 10k speaker by Revel has been introduced. Revel’s build quality and sound quality is in the top echelon for sure. Kevin V one ... 
Higher end value cables
Go to Audioquest’s website and download their price list. It will obviously give you retail pricing but more importantly it indicates differences between cables as you go up the line.Always good sounding you can see what fits your budget. Also the... 
Where to go next, DAC or Preamp
My limited experience with a Mytek Manhattan indicates an extremely well designed unit with truly great sound. The feature set is excellent to include a well conceived analog volume control. My friend who owns both finds any sonic benefit to the M... 
Gryphon vs. D'Agostino
I’d vote for Dan. My S250 has been flawless in all respects. FWIW 
Speakers costing range of 2500-3500 per pair
Revel F206 going to be very hard to improve upon. $3500 pr list for an incredibly beautiful looking and sounding speaker. Punches way above its price class. Great matching CC speaker as well.