Responses from 4425

Upgrade? Luxman M-900u and C-900u from Pass X250.8 - Simaudio Evolution P-8
IMHO the Lux pre is utterly transparent with excellent fine detail and fully extended on top and bottom. It’s also very smooth which doesn’t always go with ‘detail’. Very spacious sounding as well. I will say that although highly musical and sweet... 
Upgrade? Luxman M-900u and C-900u from Pass X250.8 - Simaudio Evolution P-8
i have a C-900u preamp that I adore. It replaced and exceeded the following; latest dartzeel pre, ml 523 and jrdg corus. simply more refined and musical. joy to use as well. not at all dark and without coloration.i surprisingly liked the ml very m... 
Down to 2 speakers & I can't decide, ProAc D48R vs Spendor D9
what about naim loudspeakers? also great speakers on audiogon sell for incredible prices. you can buy way better speakers for the money. just an opinion.  
DAW vs Alexia 1 vs Sasha 2, descending order of $$
i have a pair of yvette’s and am extraordinarily pleased. the soft dome tweeter is awesome. it may not be a technological wonder but it’s very smooth and soars all the way to the bat range effortlessly. i’ve had some very good speakers and see the... 
Stereo Amp
i have your speakers. don’t hear much fizz which i’m very sensitive to. actually there are so many great amps being blown out on agon, audiomart, ebay etc. not to be a snob but you can get into some better amps than you listed that will make your ... 
Stereo Amp
btw a duo 300 for sale $4500 on us audiomart. over half off. think the upgrade is about 1k plus shipping. could be done later. a thought only 
Stereo Amp
personally i’d look hard at the krell amps. i imagine that you could find a Duo priced right then update to HD when you want. I think the Duo will greatly exceed the amps on your list except maybe the Pass which i’ve not heard. krell the company i... 
1st time AG'er. Cables ? ?
great purchase you made. my opinion after going through tons of high end cables; i have found audioquest perfect silver surface cables such as niagara to be smooth, detailed and extremely musical. they are discontinued but virtually indistinguisha... 
Integrated Amps - Ayre vs Pass Labs
Krell K-300i is the model. Check their website.  
Aurelic G2 or Aurender N10
three comments about aurender1. N10 a beauty with awesome sonics given a good dac2. super customer service and tech support3. new ACS10 is an intriguing new all in one product being a high quality ripper server.just an opinion 
Integrated Amps - Ayre vs Pass Labs
as mentioned above the new krell integrated amp looks like it warrants serious attention and it has a new aesthetic. believe you can buy w built in dac. fwiw their integrateds have always been well regarded 
Which one is the best INTEGRATED!!
Also also the new Krell integrated. I expect that it’s very good.  
Which one is the best INTEGRATED!!
Luxman and ML should definitely be considered w Dartzeel way up there. 
What is the best pre-amp for ARC Ref 75SE amp?
Luxman C-900u working great for me. Pre drives a sub which ARC preamp won’t with awesome build, features and above all sonics.  
Well... guess I have to jump in the rabbit hole of speaker cables... lol
What are the ic’s ? Bad cables will definitely deter achieving great sound. First reflection surface quite important too. That said if the sound is raspy/sibilant listening right in front of the speaker you will have to consider the speaker. Is it...