Responses from 4425

Speaker upgrade question - Wilson vs Focal
would love to have the daw’s. great long term choice 
Speaker upgrade question - Wilson vs Focal
if you can get a demo pair of yvette’s in a good color for 15k i suggest that you might consider jumping on it. the speaker is all about music as it should be. many reviewers(fwiw) have called it the best wilson yet considering price/performance r... 
Home Demo Faceoff: Nordost / Audioquest / Transparent
Just a few comments regarding Valhalla 2 cables. Against my better judgement I recently was enticed by a big discount to purchase two power cords and 2 interconnects. The Valhalla replaced a very fine set of AQ Fire interconnects. I thought the Fi... 
DCS Rossini dac owners
agreed. the rossini has a great master clock so switching back and forth established that fact. it’s a beautiful piece. 
DCS Rossini dac owners
i’m happy. need to put the brakes on.. for once 
DCS Rossini dac owners
no choice on connection. it’s all good. i’m very happy with my sound quality.  
DCS Rossini dac owners
USB and I tend to agree w you. The unit sounds so good on it’s own I’m definitely not unhappy about it. Your comment is interesting as Aurender(which I use) wasn’t too sure that there would be great benefit. You know your stuff. 
DCS Rossini dac owners
Thanks for a very thoughtful reply. I’m very happy w the Rossini. I just thought it would be more obvious. I’m using good clock cables plus power cord. I’ll keep trying to figure it out. I can return the clock but want to get it right.  
Shunyata comparison
here are the salient characteristics of Sigma NR in my system. It does not add warmth but does add otherworldly bass impact and fullness. It shimmers on top and is transparent. Perfect for a system lacking excitement and refinement. The only negat... 
I need your suggestion for a Preamp.
The ultimate for you would be a clean used ML326s pre. It far exceeds the 380s.I've seen a few priced in the 4K range. It's detailed and very musical. The newer 523 won't be found under 8k. Get a ML is obvious to me. Good luck 
High End SS Preamplifier Ayre, EMM Labs, ML, or Pass
not so sure about the dag comment. i used the 523 with a dag s250 and never thought there might be an inequity. ended up w a luxman duo and haven’t looked back but i think the ml is built to an extraordinary level. i had my doubts when i purchased... 
Help with speaker cable recommendations please
I'd move up in AQ to their best copper and gauge that I could afford. You'll definitely find it used. Castle rock is a good example and is a strong move up with no risk of screwing up what you already like. Good luck.. 
High End SS Preamplifier Ayre, EMM Labs, ML, or Pass
I will differ. I think the ML 523 is outstanding in all respects. Blasphemy but I preferred it strongly to the latest 40k Dartzeel and it was playing in same league as the Luxman c900u in my system. I seriously doubt that Ayre is in another league... 
the 523 is an awesome unit. i don’t want to denigrate JRDG because he’s a great designer and fine fellow. but in my system the ml 523 was considerably more satisfying to me than the corus BUT the systems were different. my sense however was that t... 
Looking for a pre-amp (Pass, ARC, BAT, Sim, PS Audio)
the problem with mola, which i’m sure is great gear, is poor resale. not fair but the few units on audiogon have not fared well. it’s tough out there.