Responses from 4425

ozzy... luxman c900u but would have been happy w ML 523. Amp ARC 75se. great match but then i bought the lux m900u amp. have both but going to have to give up Ref 75se. what a great amp. a plethora of riches 
Looking for a pre-amp (Pass, ARC, BAT, Sim, PS Audio)
one last informed suggestion as i’ve listened to it a lot. the levinson 523 preamp is very special. forget about dark and boring as that’s not even close to what it’s about. there’s a good review of the 526(?) in stereophile that gives great insig... 
i’m told that vtl tube pres can handle the situation. i fixed it by buying an awesome tube amp to be used w a great SS preamp. IMHO this more than gets you to full tube sound. the tube amp is the last thing the speaker sees. and what a choice of g... 
just looked at arc site. article called the thorny issue of impedance. it’s located in a ‘tips’ section. 
ARC has a fact sheet on their website expressing concern about the tube preamps driving a main amp plus sub. it’s in black and white unless they pulled it. it killed a ref 6 deal for me., 
Ricred1:  I know something about the corus and 625 amp as I owned them and should have kept them.  If I had just ponied up and bought the uber power supply I think I’d be miles ahead of trading and selling to TRY to find something better. I would ... 
Virtually all tube preamps are ‘not’ designed to drive a main and secondary amp(subwoofer). ARC addresses this on their website. I have a friend that has looked far and wide for for a duo amp driving tube pre and i believe vtl turned up as satisfa... 
Looking for a pre-amp (Pass, ARC, BAT, Sim, PS Audio)
may not matter to you but be aware that very very few tube preamps will drive a main amp and a subwoofer. ARC is very specific about this.  
my experience with a 625/aeris/corus set up a few years ago was that in comparison to aeris direct the corus was softer and frankly boring. on the other hand the aeris was too hot. end result is i sold it all for better or worse. things change so ... 
Looking for a pre-amp (Pass, ARC, BAT, Sim, PS Audio)
luxman c900u but i know it’s not on the list 
Bricasti M1 vs DCS Debussy
i personally would be pretty happy to have a dcs dac. i would think that the new bartok dac would be awesome but of course still expensive. generally in audio as in cars etc the top tier products/companies attract hyper criticism. the guys that do... 
Recommendation for tube amp.
i would stretch to purchase an ARC Ref 75 non se version as it looks like you could take a truly great amp home for under 4k. it’s one for the long haul.  
tube pre amp or tube amp
I haven’t noticed any bass issues at all using an ARC Ref 75se with Wilson speakers except that it sounds full and tight. Watt for watt the tube amp suffered little in comparison to some very good ss amps. If the last component in the chain is ss ... 
tube pre amp or tube amp
i’m a little different in that i have found that a great solid state preamp driving a great tube amp is very special. whether right or wrong going this way adds tube magic as the last link. the are many ss preamps that fit the bill and often have ... 
Wilson Sasha Daws or Sabrinas
love my yvette’s. can’t find a fault.