
Discussions 2bigears has started

anyone heard these 400 pounders????30982
speakers for VAC 30/30 amp628114
recommendations with 7500 budget26176
any Selah RC4 owners in the crowd??51579
full system by truck ,hope it sounds ok????30026
Salk HT3 vs VAS VR4jr1164528
room size for Zu Definitions23923
OK,getting close-- VAC 30/30 SIG. is a good.....32474
please help with tube amp thks493511
anyone with Bastanis experience????22191
RM-40's up against VERACITY 3's21994
calling:B&W 802 S3 speaker upgrades-$$2000.00$$17001
impressions of the Linbrook Signature????18101
Speaker swap or Amp,which impacts more????817320
bryston14b to krell 400506413