buyer beware of late

Did anyone else respond to the "unbeleavable" listings lately, like the B&W 800's for $3000 or the N802's for $ members with no feedback. I received the message from Audiogon saying the members were "questionable" and not to do business with them. Same thing happened today with a listing for a Jadis integrated amp. I guess the only safe bet is to stay away if there's no feedback..but that doesn't do much for the legitiment new members trying to get established.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdave43
Good for you for posting that! Bravo. We have to look out for ourselves sometimes. I do feel strongly about this community.

Your exactly right about the 2 remaining of the original 7. There are new adds that have Pics and all. Looks like the scammers have a foundness for B & W products and big Krell Amps.

I havent emailed A'gon about these newest adds. That brings up a good question. Why doesnt A'gon have a "fraud alert" link? Maybe they do... and I am just to dim to locate it.
hahaha,here's a new twist,a greenhorn with a stupidly low priced mac amp sent me an email in an offical looking audiogon service dept page stating that his deal's will be handled by the audiogon staff & that they will fall under the audiogon buyer protection program which will protect buyers for up to $5,000.

this new twist appears to be an attempt to get personal information from buyers,this fool keep's telling me that i need to give him all of my contact info before we can proceed & he refuses to give me his info,he even went as far as to say he is in my state too.

i fowarded all of his email's to the agon staff,this new offical looking email stuff look's bad.
If I see any items from zero feedback sellers that look very suspicious then I email Audiogon.

I think we could all do each other a service by doing similar.
no phone number no deal no western union no emails from someone saying they are representing audiogon ie dba william mccabe of royal oak,mi