Most significant WAF Audio Sacrifice you made....

I'm interested in the most significant audio sacrifice you made in the name of maintaining domestic harmony / bliss, such as giving up your Pass XA 160 monoblocks. You know, the concious decision one audiophile makes like where we weigh our loved ones on an imaginary scale: sweetie or monoblocks, sweetie or monoblocks, and the former wins out but not without extreme pain (and sometimes regret).

Significant others are also eligible.
I prefer SAF--System Acceptance Factor. If my speakers don't like my wife, she's gone. ;-)
A Good freind of mine once refered to his wife as Reference wife....I think he is right.I however, have "The Reference Wife".Anyhing goes in our home,and that includes my costom designed and built dedicated music room.
Hmmm, let's see. Not one. Here's the list:

** She strongly considered only looking at houses that had a good candidate for a dedicated listening room (which we got last year).

** She agreed to go ahead with my plan to sell the 36" TV and buy a front projector. (which we both enjoy)

** She suggested I upgrade to bigger maggies (speakers) as a birthday present, which we did. We auditioned and picked them up in person at an audiongoner's home.

** She still thinks I need to upgrade my turntable and phonostage. I think this is really just because she tired of listening me complain about my current front end. So the idea is I need to upgrade to something that will last me for quite a while.

For the most part I'm a responsible husband who doesn't go into debt funding this obsession, so as a result she let me indulge to my heart's content. :)

Plus she collects Dolls and those can be expensive too!

And for those who inquired to me via private email, no I haven't gotten that chair upgrade yet.