Question on Salamander Synergy system

I am considering the purchase of this system because it is the only one my wife seems to like the look of. Does it assist the sound quality?

Any recommendations for other systems in wood?

My wife thinks they are all ugly - looks like junk from a dorm room. Says most are clumsy looking at best.
I also have an S40 rack. For me it was an improvement, but that may be due to it's having been on a very unstable shelf unit before I purchased the S40. Stereophile once said in their review that the top shelf imparts a "slight veil" to the music. As a result, they preferred the S30. I suspect they are right, but it does look very nice--like a nice piece of furniture.

I have the cherry unit with cherry side panels. I left the back of it off for ventilation. FWIW, the side panels fit very well and do not rattle at all.

I think Jdombrow is right: to find something that looks as nice and sounds significantly better, you will likely have to spend quite a bit more $$.
Get decent gear and you won't have to worry about shelves' "assistance" in sound. I agree with jdombro: the side panels are useless, but @ Tvad: there's no reason to hide my gear at all at all!!
Do upholster the brakets holding the shelves and you have - I agree perfectly with your wife - one of the best looking cabinet system on the market.
agree with above as i have 2. i have 3 neaunce platforms
on my twin 30 for my sacd player, tubed pre-amp and
tubed phono pre and these are worlds better than the stock
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I have 2 salamander Synergy cabinets they offer great spousal acceptance, but do not help with audio stability( foot falls with turntable). I suggest you look at Adona racks,they have much better stability.