Mac with USB Dac

Anyone regret selling their CDP and going with a Mac and USB Dac?

What are the sonic benefits with a Mac/dac vs. a CDP?

I am looking at the RWA dac with a Mac. to replace my Lector T3 MK3 CDP.
With RWA Isabellina NOS DAC is very easy to stop & forget about digital source upgrades. It doesn't mean that it is the best ....... I just haven't heard better (at least at that price level).
I am using Mac Air with iTouch as a controler & iTunes (VLC with flac files) - works great.

I am using the Peachtree Nova connected to my Mac Book. I think it sounds way better than the cast off Sony CD player my brother gave me. But I have never owned a high end CDP. I really like the sound and the ease of picking up new music through i-Tunes. This simple system is really easy to live with and it integrates with your TV easily and Blu-Ray player through 2 toslink connections.

The drawback with i-Tunes is you cannot move into Hi-Rez music as you are limited to 16-44 play back. The best sound is probably coming from HDCD's 24-196 reference recordings. With Tera-byte drives costing less than $100 I don't see any reason not to collect digital masters which might become the new audiophile standard.
I sold my Cary 306-200 CD player and got a Mac Mini and Wavelength Cosecant V2 with no looking back. Although the Cary had plenty of detail the Mac Mini/Wavelength combo is much more musical to my ears. I listen to vinyl 90% of the time and find this combination much more analog sounding than my previous setup. I am sure the Wavelength has a lot to do with it. Hoping to upgrade to the V3 when I can but the V2 sounds great.
For those of you using the Mac Mini are you using a screen and keyboard with it or just the i-touch?
I actually use the good old heavily modded G4 Cube as a music server for Front Row and iTune. It is connected to my Pioneer plasma as well as to a 7' LCD screen. I have everything set up to switch back and forth between the two using my Harmony remote control and the Logitech DiNovo keyboard for the occasional internet navigation. The reason I am setting it up this way is that I don't want to turn on my plasma all the time. I also set up the screen saver such that the 7" LCD doubles as a digital photo frame when I am not accessing the Cube for music.

I would love to use the iTouch as a remote for my system but it doesn't do infrared, so that's a no-go.