

Discussions dmailer has started

Whats under your Shindo?47473
ZYX Airy 3 vs 90X68445
The Schroeder has arrived3428178
Lamm M1.1 hybrid comparisons to tube amps55476
Has anyone upgraded power cord connectors?581115
Svetlana KT88 VS EH6550983412
Wolcott Presence 220M system compatiblity?991523
Has anybody heard the Shanling CD player?40017
Optimal Speaker Placement55458
Acoustic Zen vs Nordost vs Wireworld47821
MIT Z Center vs PS Audio Ultimate Outlet?56215
Dedicated outlets vs Power Conditioner542115
Toslink Cable Upgrade?85389
CAT/Hovland internal phono vs external?30984
Audio Research PH3 Upgrades36802