What city do you live in?

Just curious because I thought it might be cool to actually meet some of you in person and check out your sound systems. There are some incredibly knowledgeable people here who I'd imagine have incredible sound systems. I'm new to this and am going to my first audio show in Denver but I'd bet that some of you have better sound in your own homes. Also, is there a way to private message someone? Thanks in advance!

If you do come to the RMAF stop by our room Number 1030. We do manage to get some pretty good show reports. Plus a lot of gear for sale on the cheap.

Say hi when you stop in.

Jim Riddell
The nearest city of any appreciable size to me is Asheville, NC; but I live just over the state line in Tennessee about 9 miles away from the Smokey Mtns. The view is great but the downside is, I cannot see it while listening to music. The nearest Starbucks is 33 miles away, so bring coffee beans to whomever stops by for a listen.