How loud do you listen to your music?

Today I decided to take my RS SPL meter and see just how loud my system when I was listening to levels that I perceive to be pretty loud. To my surprise, the nominal SPL was only 70db with peaks going as high as 82db. I had expected the SPL reading to be much higher especially since I thought I had my system cranked up pretty loud. When I put the volume back to where I mainly listen, the SPL was only in the 50-60db range. For whatever reason, this number seemed too low but I do not really have a good sense for what decibels really mean in terms of how loud things are in the real world. Is 60db loud? Is 70db excessive?

So my question is, how loud do you normally listen to your music?
Shadorne, if your system drops details in the music at 60db SPL, you need to upgrade to a decent system

LOL. Yes indeed you are right Pauly. I forgot to mention this is why I have to play so loud (don't have a decent system). Indeed, there is nothing more to be heard with an extra 30 db of dynamic range (going from 60 db to 90 db). Thx for pointing out my error. ;-)
Where is everyone measuring from, YOUR LISTENING CHAIR, I HOPE! Otherwise, the measurements are meaningless!

I infrequently like to crank it with peaks [C weighted, fast response, on the Rat-Shack Digital Meter] at about 95-97 dB. Having used and abused my hearing at concerts and working in radio, I usually hit peaks of 85-87 dB, softer later on at night. Again, these are PEAK levels, not RMS levels.
I get to listen to live jazz, classical, & choral music in our university's music department several times a week, and I tell you this: live music of all kinds is LOUD. it takes a lot of power to even come close to recreating a live event. Now admittedly, our performing spaces are not the size of large commercial performance venues, but even in our largest theaters the SPL's of the jazz & classical ensembles make you wince at times. I need to take my db. meter with me to work & see what levels we're listening at. I'm not sure how this has been resolved, but when the European Union implemented new noise in the workplace rules, the standards proposed would make it illegal for musicians in the orchestra to be exposed to the db. levels they experience. Some sort of compromise legislation was in the works last I read.