anyone mention tull?

one of the first things i wanted to hear since recently updating the system, meaning replacing everything, was a track of of Minstrel in the Gallery, called Baker Street Muse. after 32 years or so, still moves me.
They are great from their early stuff (e.g., Benefit) on. I'm not sure I can separate my appreciation of their music from my wonderful memories of listening to them with friends. Therefore, I can't objectively rave about their compositions or musicianship, but who cares? They're a joy to hear. I even got to see them live back in '78 in a very small venue -- wow!
I was just walking down Baker St., London earlier this week on business and was humming that tune. I wish someone would remaster all the great Tull: Minstrel, Thick, Passion, War Child, Stand Up. And also do it on vinyl.
Man- what memories. I remember when Benefit was released and me and my buds spun it endlessly (yep- I'm 49). Stand Up, Benefit, Aqua Lung, Thick as a Brick, all incredible.

Thanks for the great thread!