What sounds more musical than audionote equipment

My entire system is now from audionote. For the first time I do not need to worry about the technical aspects of hifi listening. But what other equipment out there can beat or match this musicality. An often misused term, by musicality I basically mean the ability to understand how the musicians interact with one another to create a whole piece. Intimately related with this and all go hand in hand is the rhythm, timing and pace must beon par in order to recreate the piece the musicians wanted. It is only then that you can get the full emotional impact of a piece of music,that feeling that makes your feet tap and your mind entranced. JUST AS THE MUSICICANS INTENDED. The musicians did not set out to provide a hifi spectacular they are driven by emotion and no matter what piece you listen to you should be able to pick this up to a greater or lesser extent.
Hi evita. Please remember that high sensitivity speakers do not need more than a handful of valve watts to get very loud indeed. Also we are not trying to recreate the actual db of a live performance but a representation of its liveness within the confines of our relatively very small living rooms.
Some of the best sound I have heard was a complete AN system except the speakers which were Zingali. Very impressive for me as I have never cared for horn speakers until I heard the Zingali speakers. Paired with the AN front end it was very musical and detailed and could slam if you wanted it to.
after reading the posts on this question, it just confirms to me that some just do not get it- musicality that is. I do not believe we hear different. I just believe we process the information different. for example, Mac gear is push/pull and there is no chance it is as musical as an. The same goes for levinson/naim even ayre. these brands are great value and sound great. they just are no way even close to the top musically. yes, they are musical to a point. I cannot state this more stongly because I know for a fact the an/lamm ect. lovers know exactly what I am saying and the others will say I'm an idiot. I believe that products either reach the highest musical levels or they do not. once there though, there are still differences between components that one will prefer over the others. Just because krell is way better for rap,rock,or dance, doesn't make it a musical amp now does is. Your answer to this question will put you on one side of this fence or the other.
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We happen to have 104dB speakers, Audiojoy4. They get incredibly loud with 2 or 3 watts. But it takes FAR more power to carry the dynamic heft and slam of live music. I'm not saying you can't ENJOY the music with 3 watts. Even the 1W Berning MicroZOTL drove our speakers beautifully. But the lifelike impact--as in manipulation of air, not simply the conveyance of tone--of a six-piece jazz band, or an orchestra, simply doesn't play out fully until you gain greater control over the drivers. If you're hearing a knock on Audio Note, it ain't comin' from me. Everything is a compromise, that's all I'm saying.