What sounds more musical than audionote equipment

My entire system is now from audionote. For the first time I do not need to worry about the technical aspects of hifi listening. But what other equipment out there can beat or match this musicality. An often misused term, by musicality I basically mean the ability to understand how the musicians interact with one another to create a whole piece. Intimately related with this and all go hand in hand is the rhythm, timing and pace must beon par in order to recreate the piece the musicians wanted. It is only then that you can get the full emotional impact of a piece of music,that feeling that makes your feet tap and your mind entranced. JUST AS THE MUSICICANS INTENDED. The musicians did not set out to provide a hifi spectacular they are driven by emotion and no matter what piece you listen to you should be able to pick this up to a greater or lesser extent.

Showing 8 responses by audiojoy4

Thanks Jaybo, yes you are to a certain extent right about the musicians, but when a quality group of players get together the quality of the musicianship is even more apparent on the right system.

As for Jadis, yes they do the musicality thing as good as audio note, totally agreed. I have owned jadis monoblock amplifiers. My only gripe is a little bit of top end truncation, midbass bloom and a slight bloatedness to the midbass compared to the audio note amplifiers. This does not take away from the musicality but does just take away a little of the exciting presence that the audio notes seem to manage.
Hi evita. Please remember that high sensitivity speakers do not need more than a handful of valve watts to get very loud indeed. Also we are not trying to recreate the actual db of a live performance but a representation of its liveness within the confines of our relatively very small living rooms.
Jaybo, you are right up to a point. I will probably now come across as arrogant with this post but it is the only way to make my point.

There is absolutely no doubt that very few components give the musicality i have described in my opening statement. I have been a hifi buying fan for over 25 years and have purchased very high end products over this period of time. Indeed it has taken this amount of time for me to actually realize that musicality was what I had been looking for all this time and why i was constantly changing my components with dissatisfaction. The idea of musicality was almost like the secret truth that no one talked about. More often than not it was the technical issues of the hifi sound that me and my friends were interested in. we all new that Naim in the uk made a big deal about musicality but still never took this on board. If it has took me this look to finally fully appreciate what it is that allows pure emotioinal pleasure to be conjured up due to the music itself then i would imagine that most of the hifi community who have less years under their belts than me have also not reached that stage of appreciation. Yes there will be those who will stubbonly hold onto the same manufacturer, or those that are just plainly interested in the technical aspects of the sound rather than the music itself, each to his own, but I am certain the majority are probably on the same long road that i took.

Please feel free to openly criticise these statements, I have got msany years of experience and evidence behind me so it will be near impossible to shake this belief off of me.
Whart, please read the introductory question where i believe i have tried to clarify what it is i mean by musicality. I guess unless you fully appreciate where i am coming from it may not still make sense to some people.It is not easy, neither is it rocket science yet it took me lomg enough and I am embarrassed to say this.

A lot of the descriptive terms you are using to desribe the sound of the components only help clarify certain aspects of the technical performance of the units, they do not desribe anything about its musicality as defined by myself.

Hi Whart,

This may again sound arrogant, but it is the truth. What i have described is a simple phenomena but one that appears to be hard to acquire. I do believe that you have not grasped the basics of what my definition is describing. Yes emotion is a very subjective phenomena, but the idea of musicality can be appreciated in a more objective manner. it does not necessarily mean you will enjoy or be enraptured by every piece you listen to, it only describes the ability of a hifi system to accurately convey the messages of the musical piece as it was seen by the musicians. VERY VERY FEW pieces of hifi have ever managed this in all my years of experience.

By appreciating the rhythm timing and foot tapping energy exuded by a system this is an easy identification of a musical sounding system. But more often than not it is not as clear cut as this. The musicality aspect (to the untrained ear) can be so subtle as can only be appreciated when two set ups are listened to side by side. For example in the more musical sounding system you might suddenly appreciate why the drums were so crucial to come in at a certain point in a musical passage to help convey a particular mood, which you might never have ever picked up from the other system. In the weaker system, yes you will hear the drums come in at the same time, but its rhytm, beat timing, tonal colourations etc may be such as to not actually be coordinated with a piece as a whole and hence not provide the full impact of the creativity of the musicians.

Are we on the same wavelength?


I am not sure if we
Hi Whart,
the only answer I can give you is that if the audio note equipment sounds very muscial due to accurate technical replication of the music then it must also follow that it must have also got right all the other technical aspects.By this I mean dynamics, sound staging etc etc which provide that exciting grab out and touch feeling.

I have no affiliation with the audio note dealers or companies I am just trying to divulge my experiences that have so much enhanced my enjoyment and understanding of hifi.

As evidence for the above statement here is a list of my last two systems which I found not on par with my present system both musically as well as with the 'presence startle factor'.

Avantgarde duo, hovland hp100,clearaudio reference,graham arm,sme 20, canary ca339 monoblocks,RM music 200, jadis ja 80, bent audio transformer preamplifier, audio physic avanti,etc etc Might I add that the jadis was the closest musically.