Best movies last two years

I haven't watched many dramas lately. Best was "Love Song for Bobby ...".

What have you enjoyed ?
I agree with a lot of the above.

Lord of the Rings (the whole trilogy); Million Dollar Baby; Ray; Lost in Translation.

Also check out: Downfall; The third Harry Potter Movie; Fever Pitch; The Aviator; Seabiscuit.

I did not like Closer at all. Thought is was much to do about nothing. Did not care what happened to any of the characters. The story just went around in circles. Just some really good acting, except for Jude Law who is overrated.
Is Capote good? I think the local theater is getting it soon. Has anyone seen the new Bill Murray movie (Broken Flowers, I think)?
Good Night and Good Luck was very interesting.

McCarthy tried to criminalize political thought he did not agree with.

What is interesting about it, is this is exactly what liberals are trying to do the conservative today. And this time the media in on the wrong side.
While Clooney is a little left of the left sometimes I think that defending the conservative monolith is beating a dead and half gimp pony to glue. The Republicans control damn near everything. There is such thing as a sore winner. Is victory as relished when taken without opposition? Do conservatives really want a single party state?

If "the conservative" feels a little persecuted at this point I am sorry. If you could please ask Rush not to chase me with a flaming stick I promise not to high-jack any more threads.

Politics aside I think we can all agree to dislike all things Pauly Shore.
Both of these are foriegn and I don't want to come across as pretentious. They both are war movies that are amazing. The first, "A very Long Engagement", has WW1 as the backdrop. Killer story and great camera work. The second is a German film called "Downfall" which is about the last days of Hitler before Berlin fell to the Red Army. Chilling. I picked both of these up at my local video/dvd store.