Best movies last two years

I haven't watched many dramas lately. Best was "Love Song for Bobby ...".

What have you enjoyed ?

Showing 4 responses by bignerd100

Watched Turtles Can Fly this week. Filmed in Iraq, it follows a group of refugee children who live off of clearing and selling land mines. Tough movie to watch at times but very good.

Also saw Good Night and Good Luck this week. Quality flick from Clooney that will make you forgive him for Batman (almost). Black and white with lots of great original footage from the McCarthy years. Makes you want to string up McCarthy all over again.
Is Capote good? I think the local theater is getting it soon. Has anyone seen the new Bill Murray movie (Broken Flowers, I think)?
While Clooney is a little left of the left sometimes I think that defending the conservative monolith is beating a dead and half gimp pony to glue. The Republicans control damn near everything. There is such thing as a sore winner. Is victory as relished when taken without opposition? Do conservatives really want a single party state?

If "the conservative" feels a little persecuted at this point I am sorry. If you could please ask Rush not to chase me with a flaming stick I promise not to high-jack any more threads.

Politics aside I think we can all agree to dislike all things Pauly Shore.
Weather Man was a dissapointment.
Capote was good but a little tedious at times.
Sin City was awesome.
Saw March of the Penguis and my boss said that "on a scale of 1-10 for cuteness, baby penguins are an eleven."