What components would you take to a desert island?

Scenario: You decided to live on isolated island (with solar power) to avoid the Bird Flu. You sold your stocks and mansion and can buy any components in the world, that you feel you would be happy with. You go on a buying spree BUT can only take ONE make and model of each of the following 1)Turntable 2)Tonearm 3)Cartridge 4)Phono preamp(mc) 5)Line-preamp 6) Power amp(amps) 7)Speaker system 8)CD player 9)Dac 10)Cables 11)Tuner. You bring along 100,000 records and CDs. You will have 10 spares of each component for replacement if broken. Your yaught is ready now and time to load your selection. WHAT HAVE YOU CHOSEN? I have chosen Rockport Sirius 111 with ZYX Universe, Boulder Preamps and Boulder amps and a pair of Altec Lansings Largest speakers model A1.
Ummm.....yeah....I guess I'd look pretty stupid with all of that gear and no power......

Albert, what if they're both disagreeable? I'd be afraid of being stuck, and having to listen to her screaching "We're never gonna get off of this f**king island! It's all your fault, putting your yacht on cruise control! Don't just lay there, do something! Build a fire! Build a raft! Signal for help!"

Ahh...the horror.....the horror.......the horror............the horror...............................

I've been trying to figure out for years what a desert island is. Is it an island in the desert?
A vertical Steinway piano,and a set of tuning and regluation tools,and replacement parts,though Albert Porter has a point about companionship.
I think it's shorthand for a deserted island. I just hope it's not in the path of migratory birds.