Van Halen, baby

Saw Van Halen in Louisville to open their tour. Wasn't sure what to expect, but thought the show was great. They played a few new songs, but lots of VINTAGE VH. Go seen um
Have to agree...concept sounded good on paper...a return to their DLR era roots...but this is a pale, limp comparison to the original...sure Micheal was glad he wasnt invited
Ah, I fondly remember seeing them on their VHII tour. That was as good as it gets. I am kind of with Tom on wanting to keep the fond memory intact.
The lyrics are simple and juvenile. Really? Did you ever listen to this band? That is what they were/are. An adolescent Friday night party. Now they're suppose to be what? Shelly? Keats? Poe? They're just doing what they always did. What's really changed is you. If you don't like it go play Patricia Barber.