Music you HATE the most but once you LOVED it

Too young to die, too old to rock and roll.

When I was young I loved some music that, right now, I can not stand it anymore, like:

Mahavishnu Orchestra
Emerson, Lake and Palmer
Jeff Beck: "Blow by Blow" and "Wired". Curiosly, I still listen to the Jeff Beck Group.

I hear ya folks.
Okay, as already said, "hate" would be a little strong for any of this, but...

Doobie Brothers -- loved tunes like "One Step Closer" when I was in high school...
ELP -- yes and no. Just cued up Tarkus on vinyl for the first time in many moons and it sounded great. Still like a lot of "Trilogy." Brain Salad Surgery's become unlistenable for me, though.
Al Jarreau...
Best example: MTV. I used to enjoy MTV as a source of new music. Late night shows like "120 Minutes" were great in the 80's. Today, the emphasis seems to be on reality shows about people with little or no redeeming value or rap artists who will not be remembered 6 months from now because they will be in prison. Do you really want to hang out with Snookie? It used to be about music.
There's a painfully long list, which Alan Parsons Project stands at the top of. Pablo Cruise. Rick Wakeman. Dan Fogleberg. Tim Weisberg.

Ack, I though I could do this but it hurts too much to continue. Some things really are best forgotten.
NPR Newshour just had a segment with Virginia voters about the presidential election.. It was held in someone's house and on a bookcase in the rear of the room were vinyl records.  You could very clearly see Jeff Beck's "Wired". 

Just another reason to love America!