What is your favorite guitar solo of all time?

It's a difficult question,maybe your top 2 or 3 that year after year blow you away and raise the hair on your head and move your soul inside.
And acoustically there's a few from Leo Kottke, Django's Nuahes, and Lindsey Buckingham's Big Love.
"The End" from Abbey Road with John, Paul, and George trading solos. This is my pick for its significance as well as its beauty.
I always liked Andy Summers' solo on Driven To Tears (on The Police Zenyatta Mondatta lp) especially after reading it was the sonic manifestation of Sting having Andy so pissed off at his constant telling the others exactly what to play and how to play it. You can almost hear Andy strangling Sting's pompous neck on that short solo.
Almost forgot - another of my favorite solos has always been George's solo on 'Taxman' ... even after I learned it was actually Sir Paul playing that solo - doh! So good they pasted it onto the end of the song for a second time.
"Spoonful"/Eric Clapton Cream/Wheels of Fire

Been listening to this since its release.
I'm convinced this is one of the most profound expressions of human emotion in the history of recorded music (any genre).

The first time I heard it I literally could not stand.
It was like a tractor beam or gravity fault dragging me down.
It sort of felt like I was having a mild stroke.

While I don't condone the message the lyrics imply,
I find Mr. Clapton's performance overwhelming (Jack & Ginger as well).

Music? Oh yes...