What is your favorite guitar solo of all time?

It's a difficult question,maybe your top 2 or 3 that year after year blow you away and raise the hair on your head and move your soul inside.

Showing 7 responses by martykl

Calvary Cross live by Richard Thompson
Harlem Nocturne. Danny Gatton
Come live by Lindsey Buckingham
Among others

Ooh. I forgot Bon Temps Roulet live by Sonny Landreth for Zachary Richard
In steady rotation for about 30 years now

And acoustically there's a few from Leo Kottke, Django's Nuahes, and Lindsey Buckingham's Big Love.

IIRC, that solo on "Baby's on Fire" is actually a duet between Fripp and Paul Rudolph. (BTW - the same goes for the intro to Sweet Jane on RnR Animal, also a duet). Phil Manzanera's solo on BoF on 801 Live is - I think, but I could be wrong - an actual solo and is pretty amazing in its own right. There's another live version from a different Brian Eno band - can't recall the band or the record - in which the guitars and bass are really strangely tuned. It's fantastic, too. Just an epic guitar tune.

Great to see the votes for Wes Montgomery (yeah, Playpen, anyone ever use his thumb like Wes?). Funny, though, I'd have bet that "4 on 6" would be the first solo mentioned. My favorite - and I suspect Jimi's favorite, too.


I was indeed thinking of the Kevin Ayers/Nico version of "Baby's On Fire". Thanks.


The short solo in service to a great pop song is almost a separate subject unto itself. I'd also choose the Rundgren example you cite, and I'd add Dave Davies' (Kinks) solo from "I'm Not Like Everybody Else", Dave Edmunds'(Rockpile) solo on "So It Goes", and Terry Kath's (Chicago) solo on "25 or 6 to 4" to that list.


PS two more from my hero, Lindsey Buckingham:

"Go Your Own Way" from Live @ Bass Performance Hall
"(This is The) Time" from Out of the Cradle