Favourite ECM Titles

We all know ECM is releasing some amazing music both in sound quality as well as "Musical Value"!

They have released a bit over 1200 records if I am not mistaken!

What is your favourite ECM title?
Pretty deep well... a few favorites:
Gateway (1st)
Eberhard Weber (The Morning After)
Terje Rypdal (Whenever I Seem To Be Far Away)
Contact Trio (Marks)
Gary Burton (Dreams So Real)
Dave Liebman (Lookout Farm)
Old and New Dreams (Playing)
Louis Sclavis Quintet (L'affrontment des pretendants)
Julian Priester (Love Love)

Lots of others deserve mention, but would replace these fast if I had to start over.
Steve Tibbetts - Northern Song (outstanding engineering)
Pat Metheny Group - Pat Metheny Group (only mediocre engineering job, but still a classic in every other way)
Ralph Towner - Old Friends, New Friends
A very obscure title, but I would like to add:
Paul Giger "Ignis"
A beautiful piece
a lot of my favorites are already mentioned (most everything by John Abercrombie, Gary Burton, Steve Tibbets, Ralph Towner, and Jack DeJohnette) . . . ) but here's a couple more:

"Matchbook" (Towner/Burton)
"The Touchstone" (Azimuth - Kenny Wheeler, Norma Winstone, John Taylor)