Bruce at The Super Bowl....

I thought he was great. The song selection, energy and showmanship all first rate. It had a carnival, circus vibe going on. Appropriate for the venue I think.
Hey I'm a Springteen fan and their were no signs of Dylan at the Super Bowl. However, I can't understand why Bruce and Little Stevie/Silvio thought it would be fun to perform as Mick Jagger and Keith Richards instead of themselves. It got even more interesting when Bruce began to spin his guitar around his shoulder. I think he was sending a message to Steven Tyler!
Pardon jumping across types of music and across the centuries...but, Dylan vs. Springsteen is a little like comparing Mozart to Beethoven. Both are great, but I prefer one over the other most days of the week.

As it so happens, Dylan has a new album (OK gave away my age... a new CD) coming out at the end of April.
I just revisited this thread and read the responses. Many are right, Bruce has always tried to write like Dylan, and
he just isn't! Noone is. However, to say that Springsteen's
name should not be used in the same sentence (as Audiofeil
said) as Dylan's, is well...ridiculous!
I really enjoyed Bruce's performance at the Super Bowl. One of the better shows in recent years. He had great energy and just nailed it. I thought to myself if that is what he could do in an abbreviated performance his concerts must be unbelieveable. Now I know why a lot of my co-workers would make sure to see the Boss whenever he was performing.