Jeff Beck's Bass Player on Crossroads??

First time I watched this disc was with company, didn't really pay attention. I popped it in last night and was blown away by this young woman playing bass with Beck.. My wife said she looked 15 but whatever the case she "made" his appearance complete. The back and forth between the two of them was so smooth. Anybody have any info on her?
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and smokin' hot. Probably no one will believe me but the dvd seems to have been digitally "de-enhanced". As anyone who was there will know it apparently was very cold on stage : ) and the effects are not to be seen on the dvd. Even my female cousin commented on this. That show however and performance in particular were amazing!
Whew,,,21, ok I feel better. She can definately play...


I would agree just that performance was worth the purchase..

There is a video of "The River" on Tal's MySpace page. BTW, I like Tal, but I did not care for that arrangement of "The River".