Spanish Guitar music

I'm looking for some Spanish Guitar music. I know nothing about it, but whenever I hear some I love it. Where should I start.
you really, really need to get a copy of "Friday night in San Francisco" by Delucia, Dimeola and McLaughlin.
Carlos Montoya- Recital. One of my favorites. Very rhythmic, raw, passionate, and virtuoso guitar! Another good one on CD (although not spanish- lebanese I think) is Strunz and Farah- Americas.
Splendido Hotel is one of my favorite Al Dimeola's albums. All the pressings on Columbia you will hear some of the best guitar work ever. His work on Return to Forever, along with three other superstars rivals none. Plenty of vinyl copies out there to. Its to bad I heard him say that the Fusion Jazz of the 70s will never come back.
I asked this question last year and received a number of excellent responses which add to those listed above.

The thread is....

BTW, I found that I enjoyed John William's recordings. My favorite of the several tha I have is titled "Spanish Guitar Music (Sony).

I just noticed that someone else sent the link - my mistake.

I got to see both Jesse Cook at the Banff Centre last year - excellent live concert with significant middle eastern influence. I downloaded his CD - Gravity - to my MP3 player and have been downhill and x-country skiing to his music all winter. Excellent background activity music.

Oscar Lopez was at the Canmore Folk Festival last summer. His playing wooed the audience - much fun.
