Phono preamp comparison/Pass,Herron,Avid

I am shopping for a new phono preamp to mate with my Basis 2500/Vector 4 arm combo. The cartridge is a Dynavector xx2 mk ii . I have narrowed my search to a Pass Labs XP-15, a Herron VTPH-2 and perhaps an Avid Pellere. Research in the analog forum reveals a couple of recommendations for the XP-15 and xx2 combo, but I have found no direct comparisons of the Pass and Herron units. I find very little on the Avid either but it is a newer unit. I would be interested in hearing from you if you have one of these units on why you chose it and how it impacted your system. I have Pass and Avid dealers in my town but neither has a unit to demo presently. If you are wondering what my goals are, at this price point, they are transparency, neutrality and low bass fidelity.
Thanks in advance for your posts.
I have to second the Herron as it is a great Phono Stage. Very detailed, smooth, quiet and adjustable along with being very well built. I bought it after doing some research on this site and Keith offered an in home trial; so I figured why not. I obviously did not send it back and yes Keith is a great person to work with. I can not speak to the others although I have heard very good things about the Pass XP-15 and Mark at Reno hifi, another great person to work with, offers an in home trial as well; just pay shipping back and forth if you decide not to keep it.

Great responses. Swanny I too have rediscovered vinyl after twenty years of digital. I listen occasionally now to my sacds but the vinyl is so engaging and really fun. I am going to AXPONA Chicago over the weekend where Keith Herron and Music Direct have rooms. My goal is to narrow the choice to two and then maybe do a home audition.

One other question: there is a 2010 ASR Basis Exclusive for sale now for $3300. Should I consider that as a bargain higher end piece?
Well, I will weigh in on this one. I got the Herron VTPH-2 first, Loved it. Very quiet, very musical. Loved it so much ordered a pre-amp. Loved that too. Was very impressed after comparing to a number of other preamps. Then amp time, auditioned a number of power amps and settled on the Herron. I have a nice four day weekend this week, registered for Axpona, got my flight, reserved my room for three nights. Four hours before I was to leave it dawned on my that I want to spend four days listening to MY system and not anyone else's. No upgrades needed. Canceled the trip and now I am two days into a marathon vinyl listening session. (yep, just got an Audio Desk cleaner last week). I do not plan on changing the Herron for some time.

What amps and pre-amps did you compare the Herron amps to? I am discussing with Keith the possibility of auditioning his equipment in my system (M1A's and VTSP-3A). I have been looking into Pass XA series but the size of those mono-blocs are akin to small ARC welders sitting next to my speakers; not to mention the heat.

Thanks Chuck