Phono preamp comparison/Pass,Herron,Avid

I am shopping for a new phono preamp to mate with my Basis 2500/Vector 4 arm combo. The cartridge is a Dynavector xx2 mk ii . I have narrowed my search to a Pass Labs XP-15, a Herron VTPH-2 and perhaps an Avid Pellere. Research in the analog forum reveals a couple of recommendations for the XP-15 and xx2 combo, but I have found no direct comparisons of the Pass and Herron units. I find very little on the Avid either but it is a newer unit. I would be interested in hearing from you if you have one of these units on why you chose it and how it impacted your system. I have Pass and Avid dealers in my town but neither has a unit to demo presently. If you are wondering what my goals are, at this price point, they are transparency, neutrality and low bass fidelity.
Thanks in advance for your posts.

Showing 2 responses by roscoeiii

I would find a way to audition in your home for pieces in this price range. If your local dealer doesn't have anything you can demo there are certainly dealers of these products online that have excellent return policies. Music Direct for AVID (and I'd talk to Chris there about the AVID preamps, he is a fan and has heard the Pellere), and Reno HiFi for the Pass. Both places are excellent to work with.

I have an Avid Pulsus that I love, so I'd highly encourage you to find a way to listen to the Avid that most interests you.