At What Age Does An Audiophile Buy His Last Amp?

I am 60 years old. I have bought and sold audio equipment for years while trying out gear to get the perfect blend for my system. At 60, I think I may have one more shot at a major overhaul of my system. Whatever gear I have after this next overhaul is the gear I will ride into the sunset. Geez, I hope I'm not 75 still trying to squeeze that last 3% of sonic excellence out of an equipment upgrade purchase.

I think I'm going to have to draw the line at 65.
Don't worry Kijanki, your old amp won't be jealous if you in case if you decide... who knows? :-)
Doesn't everyone here plan on making one last upgrade from their deathbed?

On a related subject - when do you buy your last bottle/case of current vintage, traditional Barolo? Since the stuff can take 20+ years to reach maturity, that one is a problem.

I think I have bought my last amps, pre-amp, and speakers.
Front ends are a different story. I am in the process of replacing my turntable.
I just turned 70 and am blessed to still have very good hearing although I can't say the same for my eyesight.
Since my golfing has gone to pot this hobby is something I can still enjoy.

I'm pushing 80 and bought myself a new Van Alstine Sunergy 450 for Xmas. Picked it up at AVA "factory" myself, drives my Maggies great, a good match with the Audio Analogue Bellini pre I got on here.
Now I'm thinking of a new tube pre-hmmmmm .
I just turned 59 and the only things holding me back are money and sanity. I'll always have the interest, if not the urge, to keep looking and listening.

One never knows so one mustn't limit ones self.

All the best,