The Audio Research Reference 10 is here $30k

The Audio Research Reference 10 is here. $30k is the entry fee. Check it out in the link below.
I hate to break this to yall, there are some purchase audio components NOT just for the sound. Yep, it's TRUE. I know many simply NEEDS the status of ownership and equates the latest and most expensive to the best.

Companies llke ARC, VAC ... are opportunistic to capitalize on this behavior. As long as there are demand, they will supply them with the products and LAUGHING all the way to the bank.

I'm as guilty as most falling in this trap and working building a system at a REASONABLE (to me) price. Cables are easy but the rest have been a CHALLENGE.
"...we received hundreds of requests to keep [Reference Anniversary] in the lineup, but that would not have been fair to original owners."
Really? So you decided to remake another RA using "better" parts and claim it to be "clearly better". Yes ARC, you really have been "fair" to the original owners of RA.

Companies like these are just taking advantage of their loyal customers, coming up with one "reference" after another to make a profit at their customers expense. If this is their business practice, I rather not partake in their products.
I concur with Dracule 1, if they really wanted to be fair an Anniversary SE, with the upgrade available to the original owners, would be the way to go. Doing what they've done will depreciate the Anniverary which is hard to quantify as fair.

While ARC can advance the SOTA, as they see it, at whatever cost the market will bear, unless you're ultra rich and don't worry about bang for the buck, buying a new REF 10 at 30K is insane. In 12-18 months you'll take a 10K depreciation hit. Ultra expensive gear takes a really big hit, dollar and percentage wise. Look at used Wilson speakers.

To be completely honest, I'm actually happy there are people in this hobby with the ears to appreciate the difference, coupled with the means to buy ultra expensive gear. It allows me to plod along with my LS27 until I can pick up a Ref 10 or Anniversary once they've fully depreciated.

I owned an SP11mk2 years ago. I bought it new, at a good price, owned it for five years and only lost about $1000 when I sold it. The true ownership cost, purchase price verses used price, of SOTA today is vastly more painful.
Thanks Bifwynne, I am sure the ph7 is a step up but I have lost my appetite to move up the ARC line - can't buy into the constant churning of new and improved...
Dave b,

I would guess that we disagree with what is "neutral" sound. I have heard AR gear in numerous system, though not my own, and as I have mentioned above, I don't really like their linestages below the Reference 3. I am with Orpheus that the sound can be characterized as "analytical." This is a matter of personal preference. These days, a lot of gear deliver a similar sound, so it appears to be a preference of some audiophiles.