Adcom GFA 555 versus Rotel RMB 1095for stereo

I own both the above amps. Would I be better served to use the 2 channel Adcom for stereo , or the 5 channel Rotel ?.


With the flood of A/B questions on these sites, I understand why folks get uptight.
I also understand lame legs and swollen fingers.

Crowy, add more detail with an explanation. You will find audio-nuts to be some of the most helpful people around.

Depending on your speakers, that Rotel could make your ears bleed. My Adcom monoblocks meld with my speakers MUCH better than the "superior" Rotel I tried in my system.

I would very much like to hear your results.
I agree that the Adcom 565 mono blocks are also way better than the GFA 555 in question.
So sorry for using the poor old man ploy but its just the way it is. Thanks for the responses so far . The bi amp option looked good but I have Def tech BP 8080 ST up front which won't bi amp. I am using the Marantz Pre Pro AV 7005. Its not that I am totally unhappy with my Rotel 1095 but thought the Adcom might do a better job for stereo because it was designed for 2 channel . I thought I had read where the multichannel amps were not that good for 2 channel .
The Rotel RB-1090 was essentially a two channel version of your amp and sold for the same price. There are lots of good two channel amps you could essentially trade your Rotel for, just don't think the GFA 555 is one of them.
PS Crowy, in 1998 they thought I had MS. Found out (in 2004) it was actually extremely advanced Lyme disease, which by then could not be reversed.
It has taken me a long time to come to grips with the limitations this has imposed.
Though I am considerably younger than you, I do know how you feel. Do not be ashamed of what genetics and age have naturally done.
It is not a "poor old man" ploy.

You might make a post for some audiophiles in your area to assist you in your endeavor. I bet you there are at least ten divorced men within a two hour drive of you, bored out of their minds who would welcome an afternoon of gear jockeying and component review. (You buy the pizza! LOL)

I've made friends this way. In a world where keyboard and screen is how we interact, it's a good thing to see someone face to face.

Or did you mean, "GROUCHY old man??" LOL
Let us all know how it works out. Be well.