Anyone else receive low offers right away ?

Seem like everytime i list something for sale i get offers within the first hour . They are hundreds less than asking price . Are people looking for flipping oppertunities here or what ? so annoying .
At least you are getting offers but it does seem a little insulting that they are hundreds less than your asking price, hopefully you are asking a fair market price, just politely ignore any ridiculas offers. Unfortunately I used to as a seller get statements like I would love to buy this but I simply don't have the disposable income as before.
the problem is, these people are not set in reality--the offers I have received are akin to what I would be offered at my local pawn shop. Why would I list an item here if I was willing to take Pawn Shop money? If I was that desperate to sell , I wouldn't be listing it here, i would just take it down to my local pawn shop and be done with it in 15 minutes.
I've received a lot of offers on my amp for ridiculous prices, nowhere close to the going rate. The people making these offers seem shocked when I turn them down. One guy wrote me an essay why I should sell my gear to him for so cheap. Lots of weirdos in the audio world.
Maybe you think your stuff is worth more than it really is. Just a thought.