Amp for driving revel salon 2

Considering a Bryston 7B SST2 to drive the salons. Anyone has thoughts or other options.
"Sometimes I wonder, if it's just me?"

The sheer volume of classifieds on this site suggests otherwise, LOL.

I do have to say that I am extremely happy with what I have now - and feel very lucky that I got there quickly and can mostly stay off the merry-go-round for a while.
My system that drives my Revel Salon 2 speakers is this:
Krell 402e
BAT REx Preamp
Esoteric K-01 CD/SACD one box unit
Stealth IC cables
Siltech LS100 speaker cables

the sound is wonderful. I think the Krell works extremely well with
the BAT/Rex tube preamp.
My impression is that the speakers require a high powered amp to give the control you want in the bass as well as the dynamic responsiveness.
Since I had to spend a ton of dough on the revel Salon 2's had to settle for a NAD M2. Sound is OK but an upgrade will help in the future. PCM via coaxial sounds pretty good but not a lot of bottom end. I am sure BAT Krell combination does wonders!