Separate volume controls for left & right channels

hi, I am curious to know why some pre-amps have separate volume controls for the two channels. Don't we want to have the same level of control on the channels? Can someone explain this to a novice? :) Thanks!
My linestage has dual volume controls and I love them. They`re very accurate and for me no hassle what so ever, very simple yet effective.
Has anyone found a reliable, practical system [commercial kit, Chinese from eBay, DIY from scratch, or just good-looking plans] for a mechanically linked dual VC, with the possibility of using really top shelf potentiometers, a dual shunt VC, or ideally, switched discrete resistor attenuators? You know, something with a belt connection, some kind of clutch, chain drive (!)... whatever. I'm not really thinking about some rare commercial product, but something along DIY lines. Thanks.
I had them on my Audioprism Mantissa preamp, but they were stepped and clearly no problem at all for me.

I liked the option on that preamp because I could turn one speaker off when doing testing.....and I did use them as a balance control when one of my ears would plug up a bit (every short spurts).

Seakayaker, here's a picture of the Ayre K1.