Stupid question

In hooking up my speaker wire from amp to speaker is the red positive or negative? Thanks!
Man, I still haven't had a chance to do this. Rather than destroy my bass amp or the universe, I think I'll merely switch the phase on my secondary stereo, hooking the red to black and the black to red.
If the universe ends, you'll know why. Otherwise I'll report my findings soon.
Let me know exactly when you do it so I can make sure I put on my tinfoil hat, as that provides the necessary insulation against such untoward activities. Make sure after you hook 'em up backwards you have time to duck behind the couch.
Ha! We're still here. At least I am. Maybe you've all been replaced by duplicates...
I switched the red and black on my secondary stereo, a Marantz CD63SE, a Pioneer receiver, some old Infinity SM speakers, and some Monster cable. I played Beck's Sea Change. I couldn't tell the difference between black to black and black to red.
Not particularly conclusive, but if I had heard a difference in this system I would have assumed it would be even more apparent in my main system.
I was not able to switch the polarity on my bass amp; the speaker is connected by a plug.
I'm afraid my guitar amps' speaker connectors are too fragile to mess with.
So until I have the patience to try this on my main rig I remain convinced the "polarity" of this AC signal makes no difference.