Classe M1000

I have a chance to buy a Classe M1000. I have heard it and it sounded good. However I am not able to find any information on it online.
Can anyone tell me about it and what, if any, problems I should look out for?

Also my other option is an upgraded Mark Levinson No.23. Which would be a better option?
Great amplifiers. They need about 60 minutes from switch on to reach their cruising speed, but can drive anything.
Considering age, I would replace the blue electrolytic capacitors in the amplifier boards with modern ones and enjoy for many years!
Hey guys... thanks a lot for your input.
I auditioned the Classe M1000 with a ML 38S pre... the sound was great.
However the guy also had a Goldenote Demidoff and that just blew my mind.
Going for that now...
The levinson Would be hard to beat . Worked good with anything I tryed with it . M