2A3 Set power amp

Kind of a newbie with tube power amps so humor me. How will a Single Ended Triode amp with tubes being 2A3,6F5 and GZ34 sound with speakers that are rated 88-89dB? The Amp is rated at 10 Watts. Thanks for your help.
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2a3 SET amplifiers will usally give you 4 to 5 watts/channel. A 45 SET is in the2 watt range. Still you`re asking too much of your amp to drive this speaker. You should consider speakers with at least 97db minimum and thats assuming the amp has quaility transfomers and a stout power supply. How large is the room, music type and listenig volume?
The amp you are considering is almost certainly a push-pull design using the 2A3 DHT.

The answer you should get is that the sensitivity of the speaker is nowhere near enough information to determine how well it would work with such an amp. If it is a benign load, it could indeed work quite well to moderate volumes.
I agree that you're not giving us enough information to make a complete determination. I don't agree that you need 97-100db efficient speakers.

A friend of mine is currently using my 8 WPC 300B amps on 90 db efficient 6 Ohm Green Mountain Audio speakers. He thinks it is excellent so there is hope. Obviously that experiment is based on a different amp and tube. I use them on 92 db efficient speakers that are 14 ohms.

However 88 db for a 10 wpc push pull 2A3 seems like a gamble.