VAC 440 Statement mono blocks, any opinions

I recently took delivery of my VAC Signature MKIIa pre-amp recently and I'm smitten with it's sonics, truly enjoying it so now these mono blocks are really peaking my interest.

I'm not looking at replacing my current solid mono blocks but just adding so I can swap pces in and out when I choose too, I use to have two set-ups so I had a few options of amps etc. to swap back and forth which was fun and provided different flavours.

Curious if anyone has heard a well broken-in pair, if yes paired up with what, what were your impressions. They would be paired up with my MBL's which like current, looking at the specs I don't believe there should be any issues.
Thanks Dev. I don't think there was ever a $20K raise on the 450's. That might have been the earlier 440s which were an earlier version that were almost prototypes and I don't know that they put many, if any, into the marketplace. As you know, the 450s are all hand-wired and take many hours to both complete and test.

We obviously expect a report in June. Congrats again :-)
Hi Fplanner2010, in relation to the $20K raise that was Knghifi comments just above yours and mine.

I only know the 450's were $72k earlier this year and went up by $6K so now they are at $78K.

What I saw in person was very nice (eye candy) but what I heard was spectacular! I'm looking forward to it.

Dev, I am particularly like to know the difference between CAT JL3 MKII and VAC Statement 450? The final two candidates in my list.
Why are these amps priced to such a premium over ARC and VTL high power alternatives? I like Vac sound but...
Hi Quanmer,

the Cat's were actually Signature MK2's. I sent you a email as this thread was not to discussion between the two.

The VAC's originally were 440 but now called 450.