Need recommendation for power amp under $250

I know it's a small budget round' these parts.

I'm looking for a power amp that is extremely natural and clean. I don't need much power as I am driving pretty efficient (90db) speakers, usually at modest listening levels.

I have a fairly good grasp on integrated amps, but power amps seem to have quite a few names I know nothing about.

So, I'm looking for something used under $250... sort of a 'best bang for my buck' thing.

Thanks for the recommend.

This is a bit off topic, but... If I pick up an amp with independent volume controls, is there any need for a pre-amp if I only nave need for one input and a volume control... or is it better to set and leave the volume controls on the amp and use a pre-amp for regular level adjustments?

It just seems like in my case a pre-amp would be unnecessarily complicating the chain if I only need it for volume control...
Hi Dj.

Couple of questions:

> With your budget, why are you not looking for an integrated?

> Which speakers do you have (make, model age)?
Hey everyone. Thanks for the input.

I decided to go with a passive pre-amp (NHT PVC) and a Yamaha M-40.

The speakers I will be driving are Green Mountain Audio Continuum 1s.