Class A Coda 15.5 Vitus SS-102 or Gryphon Mephisto

Looking for input on experiences on great Class A Amps. I have proposed 3 fantastic Class A Amps at their price points. I don't know if the Gryphon is that much better then the other two. Let's face it, Vitus and Coda make killer amps. Please weigh in with your experiences on the proposed three amps or any other Class A amps that offer all of the virtues of Class A. Thanks.
Hi Goldman,

I am a big fan of Gryphon. I also have heard Forte 4, Krell FPB series, Boulder 2060...all extremely good amps in their own right. I prefer the Gryphon the most but i could have easily built a great system around any of the above. Each would require a bit of adjustment. Unfortunately, i have not heard the Vitus but have also heard great things about it.

For me, having endless reserves of power...and yet the nuance and intimacy on jazz is a remarkable feat and one which has made me stay happily with Gryphon from Antileon now to Colosseum. I have a good friend with Vitus Masterpiece Ref who used to own Gryphon Colosseum monos.

If i had to guess blindly, i would go Mephisto as a guess simply because i know people who own the SS102 and have heard my Colosseum...and i also have a few friends who own Mephisto and have heard the Colosseum. So as a guess, i am going to place Mephisto above SS102...but lets face it, that is ultimately a purely personal choice and i admit my bias and those of my friends.

Cannot speak to Coda. Good luck...the best part here probably dont go wrong with any of these choices!
Thanks for posting your impressions. I love the Gryphon Mephisto and would love to go that direction. The only struggle is the space and A/C power requirements for the Mephisto. I'd have to pull two 20 amp dedicated circuits to the amp to do it justice. I'd love to have two sets of binding posts for biwiring with two separate runs. Maybe some Vitus owners can chime in with their experiences and auditions. For now I'll stick with the VAC 160i Integrated. Thanks.
Hi, Goldman: Not sure I can add anything, but my CODA 15.5 gives me everything I want. I have a large room and 4-Ohm speakers, and I still am impressed with everything from simple jazz trios to full-on Wagnerian Symphonies. I use only one stereo amp, since I am a little tight on space, and it is really nice. Never have a need for more juice. One more thing for those interested- I always appreciate dealing with the main man in any of these expensive undertakings. CODA answers their phone in California, usually by one of the owners, and they do what they say they will do. In my line of work, that is key. Straight dealings with the head guy. Add that to the sonics, and we have a long-term winner.