Opinions on Marantz SA-7S1, Nagra CDP

Might be changing the digital side of my system. Does anyone have any experience with the new Marantz SA-7S1 or the Nagra CDP. These 2 pieces interest me because of their novel ways of handling cd, seem very well thought out. Possibly replacing a Krell Reference 64 DAC DT-10 transport. This combo has a very weighted, dynamic sound, considered to be a form of distortion by purists, but I actually enjoy the presentation. My preamp and amps which I have no intention of removing (SMC McCormack monos and pre)have a warm , liquid signature and precise, clear sounding digital is what works best in my experience. Any thoughts are appreciated.
A krell reference 64/ DT10 change for a Nagra CDP of Marantz SA-7S1, are you out of your mind?
Its possible Robertje, "are you crazy" is a common response to many things I say. Your opinion is definitely something that I continue to strongly consider. Just curious about other options mainly because of concern that the Krells might be reaching their end. Not being able to handle future repairs etc. If I could have the transport rebuilt if needed, I would. Something that has beeen built can be rebuilt, but at what cost? The Krell is in my opinion a "golden age" digital combo, if there is such a thing.
I have a Marantz SA-7S1 and it is as good as all the different reviews say it is. I have had several high end transports and D/A's at home and this player is certainly competitive with any that I have listened to. The only drawback is a long breakin time. It is definitively built as good as anything the highend has to offer and is a joy to listen to. Good luck!
How many hours of breakin did it require? Did you breakin both CD and SACD separately? Which filters do you prefer?